Thinking About A Knee Replacement?

Knee problems affect millions of Americans, making simple tasks like walking quite painful. These knee problems often stem from osteoarthritis, which is the wear and tear of the cartilage. Persons with arthritis are unable to place weight on the knee without pain. There are other reasons, like injury, that can also cause long-term pain. Some doctors suggest a total or partial knee replacement. However, many are on the fence about surgery. This is understandable since all surgical procedures pose risks.

So what is partial or total knee replacement?

Despite the name, knee replacements can now be done as minimally invasive, outpatient procedures. Some patients can even have surgery at an ambulatory surgical center. These clinics focus on outpatient surgeries, meaning the patient has a new knee in a couple of hours. With partial knee replacement, part of the damaged knee gets replaced. A total knee replacement replaces the entire knee. In both cases, the surgeon removes damaged cartilage and bone. Metal implants are then inserted, and the recovery period begins. Here are 3 reasons to consider the.

1. Non-surgical treatment has failed

Knee pain from arthritis or even injury can respond well to non-surgical treatments. Standard treatment options include stretching, exercise, and over-the-counter medication. In chronic cases, steroid injections and physical therapy work well. However, some persons still feel pain after trying these options. The pain significantly impacts the quality of life. If these treatments continually fail, surgery is the best option.

2. A high success rate

Due to factors like an aging population, repetitive stress, and increasing obesity, more and more persons have osteoarthritis. That means there has been an increase in knee replacement surgeries, with over 600,000 procedures yearly. Total knee replacement has an over 90% success rate and satisfaction rate.

3. A better quality of life

Most persons with arthritis or knee damage want to work, spend time with family, and be active. However, a bum knee can derail even the most well-thought-out plans. A knee replacement significantly reduces pain and creates a better outlook for the patient. Moving around gets easier. Knee replacement patients can also exercise and are generally healthier than those without surgery. As a side effect, surgery reduces the chances of lifestyle diseases like obesity, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease.

A new knee, a new you

Only with conditions like osteoarthritis, many realize how vital the knees are to one’s daily function. Arthritis can lead to sedentary lifestyles, leading to obesity, stress, depression, and other diseases. Trying non-surgical options work at first but can become expensive, time-consuming, and show diminishing returns. Knee replacements can remove damaged cartilage and significantly reduce pain. If chronic knee pain has made life difficult, consider a partial or full knee replacement. For more information, speak with an orthopedic surgeon.